Welcome aboard!

credit at bottom of post!Growing up you make many memories, but as you probably know,  you can only remember so much from your childhood. Some of my fondest childhood memories come from Ocean City, NJ. My whole life I have lived about an hour away from this small beach town, and its a place that I have kept close to my heart as the years have gone by.

Ocean City is the first place I ever rode a ferris wheel, jumped on a surfboard, ate sand, stubbed my toe, gulped down salt water unwillingly, saw a group of dolphins and so much more. The point that I am trying to make here is that while these are all memories from my childhood, I still prefer going to Ocean City for sand and sun till this day as an adult, for many reasons. Throughout this blog, you will be able to discover those reasons with me and perhaps (hopefully) you will leave with me your own reasons and thoughts about why Ocean City is (or is not) your beach of choice. I believe Ocean City has a lot more to offer then the average beach goer realizes and I hope you and I both leave this blog with new knowledge on Ocean City, NJ each week. I will be exploring all aspects of OC, NJ- from currents events to history of the town, to weather updates and the boardwalk shops, good fishing spots, a guide to rentals, free things to do, places to eat and anything you want to know about. At any time you can just comment or shoot me an email and I will be shore ( <–did you get that reference ) to check it out and write something down! My email is fisher12@students.rowan.edu

So who am I…

Click here to find out more about ME 🙂

Feel free to contact me at any time ! I am always open to questions, new ideas or just talking about anything! I hope to hear from you soon, but until then..


(Just FYI, I will end every post with a beach quote because I just believe there are so many great ones that you have to know!)

Tierra Valen ❤

(I got the wave quote picture from this awesome blog.. and I got the Aloha Sign from this righteous Tumblr account!  CHECK THEM OUT!!! )

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